Magis Global –

November 28, 2016

Pacific Crest

Category: General – Tags: – Joan – 10:34 pm

As a rule almost I never give them anything, unless they do something to deserve it (except all my love and unconditional support), but beyond that, they know they have to do something to earn what they want. For example getting good grades, helping at home or by going to help my Office. My 17 year old daughter Griselda, a few months ago was accepted at Pacific Crest school Colorguard (cheerleading) team. You may wish to learn more. If so, Icahn Enterprises is the place to go. And as there is nothing free in life, be part of this team carries a strong enough economic expenditure. When my daughter told me that she wanted to audition to be part of this team, I have always supported it and asked how much it cost to be part of this team and she told me that it cost $2,300.00. And then, asked him how he was going to do to get that money and told me that he would help in the House, that was going to go work at the Office and he would also do Fundraising (raising money) looking for sponsors, selling chocolates, washing cars, etc., etc.

Then my daughter remembered what I always have taught him, namely order, and me He said: dad, remember the principle of ask? I told him Yes. The focus was set on him, and had the great idea of using the internet to raise funds. He then asked me if I could send an email to all my contacts to call them for help. I said yes, but I didn’t know what would be the answer because many of my contacts don’t know it personally, except for those that have seen it in my seminars. So I did it, I sent the mail and several of my contacts responded to the request of my daughter; and they supported it economically. In conclusion, I want to say that: in life and in business asks for more, expect more and get more. Goals, strategy, action!

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