Magis Global –

September 9, 2011

Pink Machine

Category: General – Tags: , – Joan – 10:40 am

As I once decided to experience the fun of psycho. Technique consisted in the fact that if a person has a question to which he could not answer, you can make a circumstance under which the answer will come from the depths subconscious. To relax, forget about the painful question, the answer will come by itself as soon as the time comes. And then immediately grab the bull by the horns! That is, keep track of what's so special about this moment happens, it can be and answer to the question. So I guessed something like this.

"I wish that I came up with a new idea profitable business." Since that time, my thoughts were busy looking for new sources of income (the old cracked at the seams …) – That was born this problem. I guessed that's just difficult circumstances … I had to see a poisonous pink car! Where and when – did not matter. After strolling along the street the other day … I did not find any pink cars, they are not hard appeared on the horizon. And then I realized that maybe these machines do not exist in nature … And then …

there was a whole year. Suddenly, the Internet, on a social networking … I happened to come across a photo of my eyes and get out on his forehead. A woman in a bright pink coat stands near a bright pink car. I immediately jumped in his chair as though scalded.

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