Magis Global –

June 25, 2020


Category: General – Tags: – Joan – 2:48 am

As therapeutical method is based on the real relation and fancy with the psychoanalyst (transference) … As science, it is heterogeneous: one is interested in such a way for data you observed and its description, as for laws of organization of the mental functioning, or for axioms that if they arrest to a theory of the subjectivity. ' ' (DORON, 2001, P. 622). According to Pablo Dalgalarrondo (2000, p.22), ' ' the psicopatologia, can be defined as a set of referring knowledge to the mental adoecimento of the being humano' '. important to know that the psicopatologia as all scientific knowledge, if strengthens for being systematic elucidative and demystified. It nourishes itself of a humanistic tradition as: a philosophy, the arts, literature, the psychoanalysis, but is an independent science, and not a continuation of neurology, nor of psychology.

For Jaspers (1913) psicopatolgica science is had as one of the possible boardings of the mentally sick man, but not it only exclusive e. Subjects as: the basic survival and security, sexuality, fears (death, illness, misery, etc), enters as basic ingredients in the psicopatolgica experience. These subjects are the contents of the symptoms. The psicanaltica theory of Freud came close these two areas, and this is possible of if observing in the book of Jorge. the Kury that says: Inside of the Freudiana theory, the ones that had had greater spreading had been exactly the interpretations of pathological happening of the mind. Although this, the study of the psicopatologia in Freud has characteristics of an intermediate step to arrive itself at one another question. He is that, for Freud, it in such a way does not interest the study of the sick person as such, me yes, the possibility to formulate theories global of the psiquismo, whose axles are the sexual one, infantile and the restrained one (unconscious). (KURY, 1988, p.11).

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