Magis Global –

October 31, 2019


Category: General – Tags: , , – Joan – 5:26 pm

That is, immediately drawing up draft plan should be addressed to someone who has more to ability and patience. And then you can together discuss, amend, supplement this draft, ie, bring to mind. I am a long time he lived alone, and I know – how to run the household. At the same time, I have a faint idea needs of women, so my wife is very necessary to her plans to purchase. After prikidok first, rough draft of the future plan I submit wife, who is making his comments and additions. The result is a fully coherent, and taking into account all of our needs, the family budget for a month. When planning for major purchases, we adhere to the following procedure.

First, we compile a list of all the desired and needed major purchases. Then We arrange the purchase order in accordance with their importance, urgency or price. Set the time, at least approximately. Next we have to just buy things according to the planned schedule and the accumulation of funds. For example, in a certain period of time we had such a list: repair apartments; buying a new refrigerator, buying new furniture for the living room, summer vacation as a family, buying a set of furniture with a bunk bed for a child's room, buying a laptop, at the time of this writing, still not the following two paragraphs: vacation and buying a laptop. Well, to be precise, rental money already spent – purchased vouchers, tickets, so it remains to purchase a laptop.

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