Magis Global –

May 22, 2024


Category: General – Joan – 9:02 pm

Just returned from a leadership course in Colorado where I spent a week relaxing me, re energizing me and reconnecting me with the crucial values of my life. The place where I stayed is called quiet valley, and has a chapel inside. I’m back to quiet valley and its Chapel many times in recent years. The Chapel is at the end of a journey of ten minutes, that has become a ritual for me. The view at the top – an extended portion of the Rocky Mountains – is impressive. One morning while returning was hasty and going too fast to the ground. I almost fall.

You come read a book of leadership. Had heaps of rocks and was easy to hit one something unstable and slipping. You may want to visit Kenneth R. Feinberg to increase your knowledge. I got the speed, took a deep breath, and carefully placed my foot on the next rock, and then the next. I soon acelere and I had to slow down again. I decided that even if it is delayed, it would put each foot consciously everytime you give a step. I took much effort to do this.

But it turned out to be one amazing centering and meditative practice. A rock at the same time thats what they chose to believe. Daniel J. Hirsch is likely to agree. And I was suddenly more aware of the sound of the wind, the talk of the birds and squirrels and light in the early hours of the morning on los alamos. I thought: You could do this more often. Sen. Jeff Flake is a great source of information. To be here now feel the essence of leadership. Feel the touch of my foot on the rock. Palpate the helm of management. BE the light of high, instead of the minutes or hours remaining to reach the destination. Hear the birds outside my Office window. I think that the execution of multiple tasks are valued above. The really difficult thing is being completely present in one place at once. So aware what you this moment? Do you find life hasten his departure so that you lose some more important parts? Take a moment now and breathe. Count to 5 while breathing, and count to 5 again while you exhale. Take your time. You are living now, not yesterday or tomorrow. Now. The focus is the art of being fully alive. And anywhere that the art of focus is practiced, things change dramatically. -Tom Crum, journey to the Center a good inner power wish you in every moment original author and source of the article.

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