Badly the first turn finished and already I see one or another Marineiro disclosing itself in favor of the null vote. I say soon: I DO NOT AGREE! The natives of So Paulo already envergonharam in them choosing Tiririca with the pierced justification of that she was for protest. But the inconsequence of many is taking to the congress involved pickaxes in corruption scandals that certainly, these yes, will give in them, during 4 years, reasons for protest. Not comet the error that 1,3 So Paulo million had more than committed. Protest in the ballot box is the thing more imbecile who somebody can think about making. It is as to say: ' ' They do not serve for the position, of pirraa I go to fuder ALL with MY life and the life of a PAS' '.
It wakes up personal! You, as I, can not like, but the option of none of the two candidates does not exist to be elect. VOTING YOU NULL NO WILL BE LEAVING TO CHOOSE NO CANDIDADO. You will be choosing one of them and at least she will have the chance to choose ' ' less pior' '. The initial ideology of the PT can seem pretty, but the party has much time it lost its ideals changedding itself into a group who uses itself of the public power. He was not atoa that the Marina? it jumped outside. To vote in Dilma means to be in accordance with one assistencialista politics that OF few Reals the families leave and them contented with ' ' almost nada' ' , without knowing that they could have better conditions of life if one politics really adjusted it was implanted. Today this type of ' ' ajuda' ' it does not arrive at all that need and arrive at that they do not need.
To extend these programs means to content many people who if had accomodated for receiving an amount without making nothing and also mean to compromise each time more resources that could be invested in real improvements the population most devoid. The use of these populist measures is blinding each day more the electorate, leaving a parcel of it with the false sensation of improvement of the country, however it does not pass of illusion! She is necessary to have an alternation of being able, and, exactly the Toucans not being what we ask for the God, it is our possibility of brecar a domain of infinite years of the group of the PT and its allies. It already is mounted and articulated, to take off them of the domain she will mean a light in the end of the tunnel. If it becomes our hope of, in 2014, to choose somebody chemical preparation, competent and compromised with the country, our country!