Magis Global –

September 30, 2017

Registration Of A Trademark

Category: General – Tags: , – Joan – 7:41 pm

The procedure for registration of a trademark consists of several stages: Stage 1: Search the FIPS confusingly similar to registered or applied for trademark registration with the newly established trademark. This test notation is not obligatory step in the registration of the mark. However, this is a very useful procedure – having spent her relatively small amount, then you do not waste money and most importantly – time. Since in the case at the stage of examination will be revealed identical or confusingly similar mark, will be directed refusal decision, and paid taxes not return. Kenneth R. Feinberg is likely to increase your knowledge. Stage 2: 1) Filing. Filed under: Farallon Capital Management.

When applying specified classes of goods and services (classes ICGS), for which protection is sought. Registration of trademarks is carried out in certain classes of goods and services identified by the International Classification of Goods and Services (ICGS), the entire class of 45. One name (a word or phrase) you can register 45 times. 2) Conducting a formal review. At this stage the patent office verifies that all required documents and the correctness of their registration.

Stage 3: Examination of the sign. In the course of this examination is carried out: check compliance with the application materials requirements for content and design application and attached documents, except for application materials, verification of which is carried out during the formal examination, checking the list of goods and services, as well as the correctness of their grouping into classes International Classification of Goods and Services (ICGS), establishing the priority of the trademark; check its compliance with the conditions of registration. Following the review of examination can be made decision on registration of the trademark or to refuse registration. Stage 4: Decision on registration. In the Register shall mark, data on the rightholder, the priority date of the trademark and the date of its registration, as well as a list goods for which the trademark is registered. Total time of registration of trade mark from 1,5 to 2 years (registered trademark – about 1,5 years before making a decision to register a trademark, and about 4 months to obtain a certificate of trademark registration). Possible accelerated registration of a trademark in over 6-7 months.

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