This condition was not considered Podgorodnikov in the design of heating and cooking stoves FE-1 FE-2. In this regard, the rear wall of the oven is warming much worse than the front. As a consequence, these stoves are not widely available. Ray Bradbury has much to offer in this field. Stoves FE-1 FE-2 had improved my (patent of Russian Federation 2055272 from 27.02.1996g). You can do equivalent parallel caps (equidistant path of the gas), if necessary, a cap can be divided into horizontal diaphragm, and there should be provided with the best conditions for combustion, as well as separation of hot and cold gases, the separation of the diaphragm is necessary in the design of the Russian "teplushek", some designs of furnaces for baths, boilers, heating is not recommended caps with vertical crosscuts; flow of hot gases from the furnace (or a lower bell) gush with great speed, and extended as far as lifting, vertical crosscuts prevent the spread of natural gas, the lower cap in the volume, may have a variable cross-section and variable height (for example, part of the hood has a height of half of the furnace, and a part – full height, thus can not be installed at the top of the hood latch high summer course for Smoke opportunities through it) from the top of the furnace can do one or more outputs of hot gases into the hood (preferably away from the door), with filling bell on the ability to make uniform, the path of the gases in the cap to the connecting channel of equal better to do; gases from the furnace may be made to cover up or sideways, the back side of the chamber can not make the hole below the 12 range, to avoid clogging the furnace, the bottom of the firebox necessary to provide openings or dry seams to ignore the cold gas, hot gases are fed to the second cap from the bottom, it is important, and the filling cap on the ability to make uniform. .