Magis Global –

February 15, 2014

Scope Cleaning

Category: General – Tags: , – Joan – 3:13 am

So if you have no particular preference as to the scope of business, pay special attention to the specified segment. Let's start with the initial investment. If the initial capital you really close to zero, and the desire to enter the cleaning business is large, at an early stage to limit washing windows. The set for this work will cost you only $ 100-200. If you want to have a wider range of services, you should take care of more serious hardware (which, incidentally, can also acquire gradually, as business expansion). Thus, the disk machine for intensive deep cleaning of carpets is in the area of $ 2,500, a vacuum cleaner – about $ 500.

Do not forget about supplies (gloves, rags, sponges, etc.) and means household chemicals – this may also pull U.S. at 200-300. As the professional equipment for cleaning hard enough and often overall – think of a question is his delivery to the customer – and therefore hire a car or carry their own transport. So to the fixed costs of priplyusuet also the cost of petrol. And, of course, personnel.

While enough to start a 2-3-man, the problem with a set of workers in the cleaning business is particularly sharply. This is due primarily to the high turnover in the cleaning business – work, you know, not particularly prestigious. But still the biggest liability associated with the assessment of the reliability of employees. You must be a good psychologist, not to be mistaken with the selection of staff – they work in office and residential premises in which, as a rule, a lot of wealth.

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