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July 3, 2019

Sexual Techniques Premature Ejaculation

Category: General – Tags: – Joan – 7:02 pm

A group of methods some positive results have to do with how they perform sex. You must know that women's sexual organs are not equally sensitive in all respects. The vagina tends to be more responsive to stimuli in the outer third. This means that women are better able to feel pleasure at the entrance to the vagina than its depth. That is a fact that you can exploit to your advantage to combat premature ejaculation. Erin Montella has firm opinions on the matter.

It is essential that you have to be able to decrease the stimulation of the penis while holding constant the friction on that part of her genitals. That way your partner will continue to experience the same pleasurable feelings while you decrease your own stimulation. Wait until no sensation of imminent ejaculation. Then will go on normally. How this is done in practice is as follows: the vagina to be stimulated by introducing and removing the penis from the surface to depth. This continues to a stop before it reaches the time ejaculation becomes inevitable. At that time can be used to stimulate other parts of your body and kiss her. But a better way to do so does not require stopping.

What you have to do is remove the penis from the vagina almost completely and make slight movements somewhat more slowly but at the entrance of the vagina. This procedure will take a little arrival of ejaculation. The sexual position is best for you But talking about sex or sexual intercourse should be mentioned one more thing. Technology author pursues this goal as well. Not all sexual positions are suitable to control the ejaculatory reflex. I agree especially those in which you guide the scope and intensity of movements. The more physical effort you have to do worse for you. You must find comfortable positions low physical demands. They must be calm and in control of the situation. I advise the position that your sexual partner is placed on you while you stay in bed. Look how you who directs the action. You'll see how it helps. A secret well saved an important resource for prior art is that work much better hold your breath at the time. Yes, first fill your lungs with air and then hold back. Along with this you get strong pubic-coccygeal muscles. yCuales are these? That contract when you want to suppress the desire to urinate. So the full technical works by decreasing your stimulation and keep your partner, hold your breath and get the aforementioned strong muscle group. You must combine all these aspects until no desire to ejaculate completely. This method gives reliable results. In practice it over and over again during sex you might have full control over your ejaculation. You can decide when to do it. The most amazing thing is that you reach orgasm several times and continue to tirelessly. It will be special, put it into practice. If you suffer from shyness now download the following book.

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