Sandro a Bazzanella Luiz i/Adilson Boell II In the primrdios of modernity for return of centuries XVI and XVII, evidences a set of phenomena in the Europe that will go to happen directly on the social organization, politics, economic and cultural of the Ocidente. Between these phenomena they are: Population growth, revitalizao of the cities, scientific and cultural development of the productive and commercial activity, developments, birth of the State-nation. In what it refers to the sprouting of the State-nation, is possible to affirm that it is resultant of at least two perspectives that were in game in that context. The first one, as pragmatic reply the demands of investments, infrastructure and security, demanded for the rising dinamizadora commercial bourgeoisie of the rising mercantile capitalism. The second condition if relates with the necessity systemize and to implement an technician-administrative rationality in relation to the management of the territory and of population, thus potencializando the material wealth and human beings of whom they make use the States. In such a way, the rising State-nation if constitutes under gide of the absolutism, Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) is the philosopher who will justify the relevancy of the social contract that establishes the sovereign State of character absolutist.
Hobbes has left of the beginning of that the human beings in nature state decimate ones to the others. ‘ ‘ Homini lupus homini’ ‘ – the man is wolf of the proper man. Therefore, when opening hand of its freedoms in nature state, the man would have guaranteed the survival. The hobbesiano State represents been absolute the sovereign power in permanent of exception, that is, it establishes the law, but its applicability is not submitted. It is a State that acts under the principle: ‘ ‘ to make to die, or to leave viver’ ‘. John Locke (1683 – 1704) perceived the necessity to diminish the power of this State absolutist, considering a new social contract, supported in the teses of liberalism economic politician and, where the existence of the State if justifies through the right of property to the individuals.