Magis Global –

May 22, 2024

Recognize Errors

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 3:34 am

1. Each error shows something to us that we must correct We do insofar as it we turned into better people. 2. It accepts what already it happened Salt of the past and you do not remain patch, thinking about which you could do and you did not do. The past already it happened and you cannot change it, pregntate: " What I can make to correct the error as rapidly as possible and what I can learn of this experience? ". 3. It surpasses the fault If you realised a bad election or you committed some mistake, you are not punished by which you could not know beforehand.

To commit errors does not have anything to do with your value like person nor with your capacity to make decisions at a certain time. 4. It considers the error like a warning Sometimes receiving a transit fine represents a warning to lead more slowly and to avoid kind a major accident Estar to recognize the signals that to us the universe sends will cause that we turn our errors into opportunities. 5. It overcomes the fear to equivocarte The fear to equivocarte can do that no you dare to say what you feel or you think.

At the same time impedirte can do something from fear of making the ridiculous situation. Atrvete to express your thoughts and feelings finding the best words and the best moment to do it. And if you equivocations, request excuses. 6. It learns of your errors Each shows something to us that we needed to correct, and we do insofar as it we learn and we became better human beings. It repairs the offense. That your repentance does not remain only in words pretty. Besides requesting excuses, it is important that you make something concrete to show your commitment to correct the error or the committed offense.

May 18, 2024

Toy Library

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 10:56 pm

If the game has shown that it is so important to the child equation, just as is its practice in a Toy Library as a space of non-formal education which promotes learning through play. The game is a resource that allows the child to do alone meaningful learning and to help propose and achieve concrete goals in a relaxed and balanced attitude, quiet and enjoyment. Therefore, the educator, the planning must start the game is a task in which the child does continuously tests new acquisitions, facing them on a voluntary, spontaneous and enjoyable. The game is an important tool for learning and for life and therefore an important tool for education, and to obtain maximum performance from their educational potential will require a conscious and reflective teaching intervention. The educational intervention on the game in the Toy Library should seek to: – Allow global growth and development of children, while living situations of pleasure and fun.

– Establish a means of learning of cooperative behavior, leading to situations of personal responsibility, solidarity and respect for others. – Lead to situations which pose a challenge but a challenge to overcome. – Avoid the games always stand out for their skill, the same people, diversifying the games and giving more importance to the process that the final result. – To provide experiences that broaden and deepen what they already know and what we can do. – Stimulation and encouragement to do and to learn more. – Planned and spontaneous play opportunities – time to continue what we started.

June 28, 2020

Climate Action

Category: General – Tags: , – Joan 12:02 am

Now the average water availability per person in the country is 100-200 cubic meters per year – 10 times less allotted by international standards. Among the main factors influencing the decline of freshwater in the country, said agriculture and local drug khat, as well as high population growth in country. The Japanese have grown roses blue now than the standard red or white roses will delight our eyes blue buds of these beautiful flowers. And all thanks to the Japanese breeders, who still managed to get a rose blue. As many as 16 years of research took them to a genetically engineered to grow blue roses. Previously it was thought that a blue rose is impossible due to lack of enzymes in rose petals blue spectrum. For many years scientists from around the world, particularly from America and Australia, tried to bring the blue form roses, but all of the experiments ended only approximate results in the form of purple or lilac flowers.

But the Japanese breeders managed to grow just blue roses. To receive the heavenly hue petals roses were introduced genes pansy. From November this year are already roses can be purchased, but they will cost ten times more expensive than usual. Date of the week: The International Day of Climate Action October 24 countries around the world celebrated the International Day of Climate Action. This very important date ecological festival in the world today.

The climate change issue is now one of the most important on the planet. Global climate change entail some serious climatic catastrophe and threat to the humanity. This year's International Day of Climate Action is marked by the number '350 '. Climatologists claim that 350 ppm is the safe upper limit for the level of CO2 in the atmosphere. On October 24 people in different parts of the Earth took part in various climate actions, the International Day of Climate Action. Over 3,500 shares held in 160 countries around the world on this day, including Russia. In this year's International Day Climate Action is held on the eve of the Conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention on Climate Change, held in Copenhagen in December. On the eve of International Day of Climate Action Grinpic Russia, WWF, Friends Baltic and Russia Oxfam appealed to the President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev with the offer to personally take part in a UN conference on climate, which will be held this December in Copenhagen. Photo fact of the week: Portraits of Insects and Spiders Have you ever pictures of insects? No. Then look! This is a very real portrait … Here and expressive eyes, and plump sensual mandibles, and a little damp from the morning dew hair, and deep inside world, reflected in elevated antennae thoughtfully … All of this in our PHOTO – Portraits of insects and spiders.

June 25, 2020

Pacific Whales

Category: General – Tags: , – Joan 1:03 pm

The human garbage, getting into the ocean, poisoning the lives of fish and birds, who take him for plankton eat it or fed to their young. All this leads to poor health of marine animals and even to death of some. Garbage Patch in the Atlantic, occupies the space between 22 and 38 degrees north latitude. According to Farallon Capital Management, who has experience with these questions. We have previously talked about the 'island' of debris in the Pacific Ocean, which was formed by a system of ocean currents and irresponsible attitude of people to nature and water resources. 'The Great Pacific Garbage mainland', as he was called scientists, located between Hawaii and California (135-155 degrees west longitude and 35-42 degrees north N), is the largest accumulation of plastic trash in the oceans. See our Photo-fact 'garbage island in the Pacific', in which we showed horrific pictures 'garbage island' in the Pacific, as well as pictures of those places on our planet, where because of the dense layer of litter is sometimes not even seen the water surface, and fishing debris for subsequent delivery to the processing of long ago supplanted the traditional fishing … Whaling exacerbates warming It is the world's climate to such conclusion the American oceanographer, conducting research on the oceans and live in them whales. Fairstead: the source for more info.

According to his calculations, the giant marine mammals 'store' their bodies around nine million tons of carbon. Industrial whaling leads to aggravation of global warming, because this carbon is released and converted into carbon dioxide, which is known to be a major 'catalyst' global climate change on our planet. According to the study's author, even after the death of whales, most of the carbon 'stored' in the bodies of whales, not going to air as the bodies of whales sink to the bottom, where they eat the living in the depths of marine organisms. Only in the last decade, a considerable part of the natural carbon sinks has been destroyed by man. But scientists point out that even the surviving whales are in themselves as much carbon as is contained in the 11 thousand square kilometers of forest.

PHOTO of the week: 'World Day of cats' and' Ten weirdest frog in the world "every year on 1 March, the arrival of spring, the calendar we celebrate yet a holiday – International Day of cats, which was approved in 2004, the Moscow Museum of cats with UN support. Today, the cat – the most popular pets in the world. All in all the world there are over 100 breeds, and their total – 500 million cats! In our PHOTO 'World Day for cats', we offer you not only enjoy the beautiful pictures of kittens, cats, and learn some interesting facts about these amazing Pets … Just last week we told you about the ten most bizarre and unusual frogs of the planet … Read on and see our Photo-fact 'Ten weirdest frog in the world. "

November 26, 2019

Magic Hat

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 1:33 am

Randomly moving the room in any direction. At the signal "Stop! In a pair! "Take the hand standing next to a comrade." Game "Training intonation." Objective: awareness of the importance of intonation to achieve the impact of the teacher in communicating with parents. (5 min) (Participants are divided into two circles) Speak the phrase: uMne not care about the success of your child (first round) uMne would like greater openness in our conversation (second round). To utter these phrases with hints of irony reproach of indifference, demands, goodwill (intonation marked on the cards). At the end of pronouncing the participants reported, managed, whether in their opinion, achieve the goal of exposure; what tone the most acceptable in communication with parents.

The game "Magic Hat". Objective: To exercise caregivers in the sentence compliment parents. (5 min) (Participants remain in the same circles) Instructions: – While the music plays, pass the hat around, when the music stops, the one with whom she stayed, puts it on himself and says a compliment to any person within the circle. It may be a superficial compliment on the clothing, jewelry, appearance, and as you can tell something positive about the "baby". That "parent", which is addressed to "compliment" to take it saying, "Thank you, I am very pleased! Yes I do, too, a very much!". It’s believed that Nicholas Carr sees a great future in this idea. At the end of the game, all returned to the field. Exchange impressions: it is easy to say whether it was a compliment, whether it was nice to take a compliment.

August 7, 2019

Easy Global Terms

Category: General – Tags: , – Joan 7:28 am

Any member of the society to be known as intelligent dreams and educated man. All people are making extraordinary efforts to do, getting a pair of higher education, but sometimes still not able to achieve desired. And we often pass the small parts. Often we hear in conversation with unfamiliar terms, we often do not have the courage to open that do not understand it, and for this reason that we can get at times extremely uncomfortable in position. Obviously, to know fully the whole thing does not work.

And there is a way by which you quickly get the opportunity to enrich their own set of lexical and get rid of the discomfort. This is only dictionary, Easy to find in a global network specifically designed for this resource. Turning to their assistance whenever you meet a strange expression in magazines or books, you can create for yourself rich world of different concepts. Only dictionaries of terms on the Internet may deserve to have recourse to their aid. First of all, if you accidentally needed a dictionary of medical terms, you do not go to the dictionary in reading room.

And in your own closet shelf a book definitely will not. In the global network using a special online dictionary browser you will discover quickly the desired term and, by the way, get a chance find out what you put medical diagnosis. Or like to be able to better recognize valued film about the doctors, in which there are always special terms. In addition, there are many courses, on whom dictionaries are kept in non-public libraries. In such bad luck to get into, provided that you do not have a special badge. And to be able to register there can often be absolutely nothing to free. Why go so inconvenient barriers when sociology glossary available on the open all of the pages on the Internet? You have the chance not only to understand the term you are interested in, but apart from that and ask others to restore a better picture. And generally come to the reading room – then spend your free time together and then to get to the library. A global network must close. You have the ability to download, including an electronic dictionary and open it when you only want. Education – this is the burden that he would not pull the neck. But if you talk to an expert, and this man does not need you any word to explain about you is a much more positive feeling. Yes, and you personally will be able to feel comfortable in an intellectual society, without the need to hide his ignorance. By utilizing dictionaries you'll see to what extent will take more elementary news items, and read science books. Do not leave to fend for their education.

June 21, 2018

Aprendizagem School

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 4:49 pm

Therefore, they can need support even though, in practical tasks of the daily one, as if dressing, moving if communication. The difficulties of learning in the past were called ‘ ‘ delay mental’ ‘ , currently this offensive considered term and, therefore, they are not illnesses, nor diseases. Although we know that, the individuals with primary difficulties of learning can need specific cares during the daily one, especially those that have multiple and deep difficulties of learning. During many years the pupils had been penalizados, made responsible for the failures, suffered critical punishments and, but, with the advance of science, today we cannot limiting in them to believe, that the learning difficulties, either a question of will of the pupil, is a much more complex question, where some factors can intervene with the pertaining to school life, such as the problems of relationship professor-pupil, the pertaining to school questions of education methodology and contents. If the difficulty only was originated by the pupil, organic damages or only of its intelligence, to solve we would not have it the necessity to set in motion the family, and if the problem only was related to the familiar environment, would not have necessity of appeals separately to the pupil.

The relation professor/pupil becomes the capable or incapable pupil. For more information see Sen. Jeff Flake. If the professor to treat it as incapable, will not be successful will not allow to its learning and its development. If the professor to reveal unprepared to deal with the presented problem, more possibilities will have to transfer its difficulties to the pupil. The learning difficulties are conceived as part of all of the educative necessities special, and the form to treat them is by means of more or less significant curricular adaptations. Thus, we take in consideration the realities internal and external, using itself of some fields of the knowledge, integrating them and synthecizing them. Looking for to understand of form global and integrated cognitivos, emotional, organic, familiar, social and pedagogical the processes that they determine to condition of the citizen and intervenes with the learning process, making possible situations that rescue the learning in its totality in pleasant way. The necessities of learning of each pupil vary in function of the substances, discipline them, the situations and emotions of the moment. In this perspective we know that, the specialized professionals fit to the professor the decisions to direct the pupil for the attendance.

Because, the definition of learning difficulties is so different and inexact, if a dumb child of region or of state, it can in accordance with pass to be evaluated different criteria, that is, it can pass to be classified of different form. This is a very complex task for the school and the family to work together, therefore the identification of the causes of the problems of pertaining to school learning requires a specialized intervention. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES: ALMEIDA, Amlia Milk of, ‘ ‘ Difficulty of Aprendizagem’ ‘ In: It emends course of pedagogia Unigran.

October 25, 2015

Global Industry Analysts

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 10:26 am

DBM Spain, Spanish subsidiary of the multinational company Drake Beam Morin in management of human capital and first company in the world of professional outplacement, has echoed the recent human resources Outsourcing report by Global Industry Analysts, highlighting that HR companies market will reach a turnover of nearly 112,000 billion euros in 2015a sector dominated today by the United States and Europe. For Rafael Vara, CEO of DBM Spain, this trend is derived from the current economic crisis, the climate of recession forces companies from around the world to revalue their financial strategies and business plans, hence reducing costs has emerged as a key driving force for the outsourcing of human resources in the short term. Outsource these services supposed to achieve higher performance with less expense, and transforming fixed costs into variables. The impact of the crisis has been particularly pronounced in the services market, given that the recovery period It is relatively higher in comparison with punctual contracts; in fact, such agreements will get greater relevance in the short-term future, longer to hire multiple one-time services implies, as a general rule, one higher initial investment, thing that companies tend to avoid indicates Rafael Vara. And it is that companies seek negotiating better agreements with outside companies, but in addition opt increasingly for a selective outsourcing, i.e.

a service customized to their requirements and in line with its corporate philosophy. The continuing interest of the companies to reduce costs will favour a greater engagement of external services and, according to the aforementioned study, it is expected that human resources market will experience an increase in the number of segmented contracts, which would allow customers to choose the services they need to outsource while they themselves can manage the rest. DBM Spain with offices in Madrid and Barcelona, was created in 1982 with a team formed by professionals of different profiles that give solutions to individuals and organizations. This company bases its efforts in two business lines: Outplacement and transformation. DBM serves 7,000 companies and more than 250,000 professionals annually while maintaining an average of 3.7 months in finding a job and getting the highest rate of relocation of the market: 83% of success in repositioning. Firm Drake Beam Morin (DBM), founded in New York in 1967, he has over 40 years of experience in human capital management, transformation and transition of organizations. They offer their services in 24 languages and have served more than 50,000 companies and 3 million people worldwide.

October 20, 2015

Global Warming

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 12:02 pm

If, however, still allow the attack of the apocalypse of humanity in the face of global warming, but this all goes, we will accept it as fact and deal with its consequences. Of course, no clear method is not, because our Civilization has not faced the same problem, but I will try to bring a number of ways to reduce harm from warming, which seem to me reasonable. Firstly, I think, will have to choose a new place to live, Of course, if you do not live in such. Because of global warming in ocean water levels will rise rapidly due to melting glaciers, and will be higher, at least one meter, but is likely much higher. Therefore, life near the river channels will be impossible, since they will behave unpredictably. This is especially true of the rivers originating in the mountains, as they will be affected first. Anyway, if we assume that all the water on the Planet somehow connected, it is better to stay away from any of its manifestations.

Here is a simple chain: Increased water in the ocean will increase its area, evaporation will increase, there will be more rain, and they become stronger, the river to draw water from the fields etc. during its course to become affluent, the lake, which flow into the river, just change its shape in the direction of consolidation. The ideal option would be relocation inland, where not so much to heat and cold ocean currents (and they just change), and sea level will not rise so much that to get there. The same should stay away from tropical forests and other sources of disease, as warm, moist air – an ideal breeding ground for viruses and bacteria, germs of deadly diseases. Secondly, you need to take care of their subsistence and the availability of drinking water. Due to global warming persists, do not having to adapt, many species, edible plants and animals, so care should be taken and select the most resistant to further cultivation in your 'safe place'. So it was reasonable to take care of the presence of a spring there, or self-drill or dig a well. And finally. Not to give a general panic, which is simply unavoidable. There is always a way out of any, but also very unfortunate situation.

September 28, 2015

12 Easy Ways To Fight Global Warming

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 7:11 am

Scientists assert that to stop global warming anymore. Of course not, if you pursue this policy and do not do anything to somehow rectify the situation. Speaking candidly Euro Pacific Precious Metals told us the story. Cloud theory of saving the Earth – it is certainly well, but is the use of them will only appear after their successful introduction to which is still very far away. If you do not believe in the prophecies of global warming, the use of these simple ways to at least have a positive impact on your financial situation, not to mention a sense of value that occurs when you are busy indeed a great and desirable. Plus, the clean air has not hurt anyone. Great damage to the environment, of course, does the industry in the face of factories, plants, etc., but I think they pale in comparison to what comes from us, the population of planet Earth. Indeed, in the end, it is for us and try all of these companies to provide our consumer power. If we were more reserved in their desires, and simply more sensible attitude to the resources, neither of which global warming speech today would not exist.

And so, here are simple ways to which performance, certainly not harm your well-being (welfare), and just makes you more economical and at the same time help the climate to pull myself together. 1). Get as much information about global warming awareness – a pledge success. You can not fight, not knowing his "enemy" in the face. Determine for yourself how important to you about climate change.

August 15, 2014

Education In Britain: Badminton School

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 1:48 am

Education in the uk, most of us associate with the traditions of classical education. Indeed, many schools, the leading study in the uk have a long history – the first of which was founded over 600 years ago. Until now, samples of the quality of secondary education are independent fee-paying schools (such as the world-famous Eton and Harrow). Many of them remain committed to the segregation of boys and girls. One of the the best educational institutions of this type, offering training in the uk, is a school for girls Badminton School.

Last year it celebrated its 150-year anniversary – not so loud the date, if we consider that the oldest Universities and Schools, the leading study in the uk, based in XII-XIV centuries. However, the Badminton School has a rich history and offers a high quality education, developing with each passing year. Lord Peter Hennessy often says this. Today, it firmly holds the lead in their region (South-West, south-west England) and is considered one of the best institutions of secondary education, leading training in the uk. Originally the school was established for training in the uk for girls whose parents are on duty Services were abroad. The founders of the institution sought not just to traditional teaching in the uk, but open up new opportunities for girls. Scientific work, sports, study political issues – it was the prerogative of the male schools. Badminton School expanded its curriculum, introduced additional items – in short, made for girls studying in the uk is as versatile as it is for boys.

In 1958 the school celebrated its centenary discovery science center, which made the process of education is even more profound and effective. Today Badminton School continues to evolve and expand, accompanying learning uk new and new opportunities. Importantly, it has not lost its transparency, the international character of education. Here are trained in the uk schoolgirls from nearly 40 countries around the world. Developing young people who are in every sense citizens of the world, – reads the motto of Badminton School.

November 5, 2012

Constitution Democratic

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 9:24 am

Of global form, he perceives yourself that he is not enough to evaluate the performance of the pupil of untied form, that is, descontextualizada. (Program of Reinforcement of the Pertaining to school Advice, 2004, p.13). Being thus, the Pertaining to school Advice will have to be pautado in procedures that involve responsibilities next to the practical one that it develops yourself in the units of education, fit to reflect, also, on the dimensions, as well as the aspects that need to be proven, to if constructing an education that has detached the citizenship and the quality of education; this procedure must be made by means of the performance of the pupils, not in untied way, but inside of a context. Thus, it is considered to reflect on: That dimensions and aspects can be parameters for this accompaniment/procedure? Other aspects must, thus, be identified to be contemplated in the evaluation, such as: the social context in which the schools are inserted; its conditions for an excellent learning; the mechanisms used in the democratic management; performance of the professor in educative process e, finally, the pertaining to school performance of the pupils. So that it has a democratic management in the school is basic the existence of propitious spaces so that new social relations between the diverse pertaining to school segments can happen. Also, for BOBBIO (1992): When if it wants to know if it had a development of the democracy in data country, the certainty is to look for to know if number increased not it of that they have right to participate of the decisions that say respect to them, but the spaces in which can exert this right. Thus, the Pertaining to school Advice constitutes one of these spaces, together with the Advice of Classroom, the Bosom Estudantil, the Association of Parents and Mestres (APM), between as much others possible.

He occurs that the Pertaining to school Advice possesss a proper characteristic that it of the basic dimension: it consists a form student body of the democratic management. The management leaves of being the exercise of one alone person and starts to be a management student body, in which the pertaining to school segments and the local community if congregate for, together, to construct an education of socially excellent quality and. With this, one divides the power and the consequentes responsibilities. In this context, the paper of the Pertaining to school Advice is of being the consultative body, deliberative and of more important mobilization of the process of democratic management, not as instrument of external control, as eventually it occurs, but as a partner of all the activities that if develop in the interior of the school. An educational legislation has all, defined for the competent parliamentary spaces, influenced for the organized social movements, that can be set in motion to favor the management of the basic school and the existence of Pertaining to school Advice democratic operating and participativos 1. Being thus, the Pertaining to school Advice is an organism of joint between the school and the society, a pedagogical practical installation of one and a culture democratic politics and citizen. 1 the politics and the state and municipal legislation must establish lines of direction for the democratic management, operacionalizando the Constitution and the LDB.

July 4, 2012

Narrator Language

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 6:32 am

Thus, it was possible to observe and to affirm that, from this type of literal production, the metalingstica activity? of reflection on the language? it gains space concrete in the classroom, when thought on the nature of the writing of texts and on the necessity of if teaching and learning the normative aspects most formal and of the language. CONCLUSION. It is exactly in the characteristics of the autobiografia? of the narration in first person and of the protagonist-author? e, therefore, the envolvement of it with its proper history, that also inhabits the vio of if emerging of this literal sort possibilities of mutual agreements between pupil and professor, of respectful and compromised relations with the process of education and learning more directly come back to reality of them e, also, with the dynamics of the work market that it demands of both, each time more, the capacity to establish more efficient and efficient relations between the theory and the practical one? relation still so complex of being understood and being executed. Moreover, by means of the characteristics of the activity of epilingustica production, it was possible to perceive in the texts the concern, to the way of these citizens, with the referencing, the reescritura and the joint in the textualidade and, from this concern, to provide it metalingusticas reflections that can assist it in the development of its written language, mainly in what says respect the literal coherence and to the cohesion. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES. BENJAMIN.

Walter. The Narrator. SP: Brasiliense. 2001. CHESTNUT. Maria Eugnia L.

M. University at night: end or start of day? Campinas/SP: Papirus. 2001. CHARTIER, Roger. Cultural History: between practical and representations. Translation of Maria Manuela Galhardo. Rio De Janeiro: Bertrand Brazil, 1990. 245p. FREIRE. Pablo. Pedagogia of the Autonomy. SP: Peace and Land, 2000 GUIMARES; Eduardo. Semantics of the Event.