May 20, 2024
January 26, 2009.-According to data from the Master-D group leader training company opened in Spain, the percentage of Spanish interested in courses to prepare for oppositions has increased 14 percent in the last year. Of them, 59% are women versus 41% of men, and of the total, 26% have university studies, mostly aged between 25 and 30 years. By the same author: Peter Asaro. We believe that this increase is mainly due to the economic situation being experienced by the country since the population seeks more than ever security in employment and labour comfort says Raul Gonzalez Tristan, responsible for the teaching team of the company. In fact, a very high percentage of people who are preparing exams with us or are interested in courses, not currently works. The most popular preparation in 2008 and whose demand is expected to continue to grow this year is to work as administrative assistant, personnel offices or bodies and security forces of the State.
In provinces like Burgos and La Rioja or Zaragoza, demand has risen over 20%. For example: Madrid has more than 5,000 opponents preparing Master-D, where you stand concerning the State security forces and bodies oppositions and oppositions convened by local administrations and automicas. Is expected that this year the demands of 2009, be overcome though this will much depend on how the economic situation evolves, but if the situation is prolonged in time forecasts determine an increase of 20 per cent of the requests for information to prepare for oppositions, says Raul Gonzalez. On the other hand, has been a significant decrease in the demand for preparation for exams to library and information services staff. Distance learning offering Master-D becomes a serious alternative to the employment situation of many Spaniards, promoted by the State of crisis that affects the global society. Original author and source of the article.
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May 18, 2024
When we suffer from hemorrhoids must know how developed are to take adequate treatment, and specifies its location. According to his State found bleeding hemorrhoids, swollen, thrombosed, and its location are internal and external. Well first of all we must not confuse when we talk about hemorrhoids swollen with hemorrhoids trambosadas, since in both there is an increase in size, but the difference that becomes something very hard since there is an internal clotting of veins, and in the swollen in the trambosadas there is flushing, heat, pain and burning caused by segregated prostaglandins. He is recommended for a good treatment for inflamed hemorrhoids: home treatments: baths of cold seat, and the application of ice covered with soft fabrics help to decrease swelling, although you can soothe much pain, paramount is that hemorrhoids does not continue to grow. Further details can be found at Kenneth Feinberg, an internet resource. Medicinal plants: Chamomile is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory, well we can consume 5 to 10 times a day, and using envelopes can apply them in the wounds. Take sitz bath baking this herb also get excellent results. Other important plant in the treatment for inflamed hemorrhoids is the lapacho, we use its crust through cooking, and with him you can debug all your body.
Other plants effective but no less important are horsetail and alfalfa. Medications: If you don’t have home remedies available to, we can make the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, among them we find to NSAIDs or anti-inflammatory drugs. In this type of medicines must have great care not to take excessive, as a dose adequate help much in our problem, but in high doses causes bleeding in the stomach and intestines, and it is more desirable when they are thrombosed, the best-known find ibuprofen and ketoprofen. Topical glucocorticoids is the other option for inflamed hemorrhoids. In any case, ask your doctor’s trust for a better recipe.
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May 17, 2024
When you turn on your light, will never walk in darkness. The use of marketing tool is determinant in the behavior of markets, the scenario increasingly presented a proactivity associated to the management of markets take into account which represents marketing, its scope and impact. At base, it is necessary to deepen what involves the process of marketing as well as their applications and that is what really is pointing with marketing as a process. We must consider as it refers Luis Linares 1.-that marketing is a process, so as all this process has phases or stages, and therefore has a home and a fin.2-that marketing is a system full of activities, and as a system-wide, these activities are interrelated with each other, the so we plan them so that they comply with the objectives preestablecidos.3 the first phase is the analysis of the situation. Hotwire will not settle for partial explanations. It is the stage of observation, analysis and gathering market information and the determination of the problem (the problem) with the purpose of map objectives and metas.4 the second phase of the system is the management process, this has three basic stages that are part of the total system of the marketing:i.-planning: comes to be the Marketing, business strategy, or the strategic planning of marketing strategy.
That is the how I get to meet my goals. Another way is the plan and the steps to follow to achieve the objectives.II.-Ejecucion-implementacion – Realizacion.iii-Control – Supervision – evaluacion.5 all these phases comprise several areas of study that are called courses in education organizations. Not the slightest doubt as Ana Martinez points out that marketing is a discipline based on processes, this informed that each step in the process of marketing should be scrutinized and measured, with the aim of generating an output (outcome), either by way of revenue growth, the development of intangible assets of the company or the shareholder value increased.
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May 4, 2024
Shortly before seven in the evening, Alberto Contador has crossed the gates of the Barajas airport, heading to Nantes, heading to the toughest challenge of his most difficult year. Surrounded by noise media since destapara his alleged doping in the 2010 edition of the Tour de France, overwhelming the Giro champion faces of 2011 knowing that their preparation is not the best for whipping with a few rivals harder which planted him face in Italy. I know that it is normal not to win, it has secured with conviction shortly before check-in your baggage; for anything it would be a failure. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Erin Callan. However, the champion, with a will of iron, is clear that if it goes, it is to try. You have to be motivated and thinking about fighting for the race, but still wise and knowing that for 13 years nobody gets Giro and Tour Pantani in 1998. Source of the news:: counter: “it is normal that it does not win the Tour”. (As opposed to Film Financer).
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April 2, 2020
Recognizing not having come out still in amazement before the striking audacity of Evo in assuming a reduction strategy so rare in the Presidents of the Republic of our times, well below, should be in the heat of this boldness, offer some dispassionate and thoughtful moments. For in spite of some and applause from others the truth is that this interesting character emerged from the same ancient Highlands, can today say with satisfaction that his daring achieved his goal. Genuinely famelicas footprints that reflects your face show honesty and seriousness of his effort. At Pacific Mortgage Services you will find additional information. Most is that in the future occur in Bolivia, the truth is that Evo Morales has really made think half a world. His recent stance no less obliges that rethink ideas and paradigms covering the exercise of power. Especially when, for all you know, or at least should be, that in the past fifty years national States have been noticeably losing autonomy and influence, power, versus the corporate bodies of the Capital. To broaden your perception, visit Daniel J. Hirsch. Today the power and decisions of the maximum heads of Government of all the Nations of the world, including those of the great powers, are so relating and disputed as related and disputed are the sovereignties, and even be, of their own States. For instance, the Global Crisis, among other things, has uncovered the profound contradiction and absurdity of our contemporaneity. Throughout the existence of the planet is now literally and exclusively to merced to nourish and worship one thing that often called Global System of market or capitalism. While on the one hand by dint of bayonets and cannons are we forced religiously has been securing the full homage and full comfort and facilities for their healthy growth and development, on the other hand is that this thing once it has managed to convict the hunger and death to a good part of humanity at this time found that not even you can stay standingcannot be at least guaranteed his own existence.
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January 30, 2020
By law adopted and published in the Official Gazette of the State BOE 294 of 8 December, law 41/2007 is called reverse mortgage loan mortgage or credit guaranteed by mortgage on real property, floor or housing which constitutes the residence of the applicant and always complying with the following requirements: the applicant and beneficiaries as it may designate be elderly or above age 65 or severe dependency-affected or great dependence; For the creditor to have the amount of the loan or credit via regular or unique provisions (revenues); That debt is only enforceable by the creditor (Bank or box) and executable warranty when the borrower dies or, if so stipulated in the contract, when dies the last of the beneficiaries and that the mortgaged has been assessed and insured against damage in accordance with regulations. These are official requirements to be covered in the Act appointment and have rights to tax benefits, since as it is logical operations of reverse mortgage can set freely between the Bank and the beneficiaries in different conditions. Florida Senator usually is spot on. This new figure of mortgage, is having much boom in recent months in Spain because many retirees have a property of significant value and however their monthly pension income are not enough to lead a comfortable life and thus obtained some additional revenue to your pension without having to sell property. The current real estate crisis that has caused great difficulty in the sale of the flats also make the heirs choose to advise their older this option to not undersell their property..
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October 25, 2019
Entropy social, on the other hand, comes both from the dynamics of the internal systems of societies as external to it media. In fact, chaotic dynamics that are essentially generating entropy; can be identified in environmental systems It is the case of phenomena such as El Nino, the eruptive cycle of volcanism, the periodic appearance of pests, etc. In social systems, such chaotic dynamics are preceded by a prolonged phase of entropizacion, in which evidence the contradictions of form and substance, which lead to centralization, and totalitarian social stages which are no more than the visible manifestation of a latent social entropy. Social entropy is, by action and definition, a cyclic, dynamic, and complex phenomenon which can be said that every society has in itself the germ of its diversity, its progression, but also chaos necessary to engender them. This predestination may be due to many factors, but they are the factors of those political order most deeply affecting performance Entropic and subsequently chaotic social conglomerates. The sistema-sociedad is like a biological system evolved.
Social matter that integrates it is composed of the living matter of human beings, most inert matter in the form of objects and goods that humans have joined the system with their work. Society is a similar to a biological sub-system in growth, so it needs to consume and degrade energy to be integrated, structured and differentiated from the environment. The development and growth of the sistema-sociedad are not homogeneous. The parties more structured, more integrated and more differentiated, i.e. the less entropic, are the most unstable and that saved greater imbalance with the environment. This contradiction of the sistema-sociedad between growth, structuring and development on the one hand, and imbalance and instability on the other, is essential to understand and foresee the extinction of parts of the sistema-sociedad or the totality of the System. The time in which it can not keep the I imbalance and system differentiation, ensues the destruction thereof; as is the case with the death of living organisms.
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June 7, 2019
Finally, could she after 4500 million years of deliveries continued, see birth of her womb his son intelligent human beings, so help it continue to be the home of the life. The truth as you know, since 1973, the 5 June each year is celebrated the world environment day was established by the United Nations General Assembly, in its resolution (XXVII) of 15 December 1972 with which began the Conference Stockholm, Sweden, whose central theme was the environment. That same day, the UN General Assembly approved the creation of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). As environmental health of society of medical ecology and Social not reminds us we should forget that on 5 June is celebrated to make a call to the people of the world to take care of our planet. Visit Craig Menear for more clarity on the issue. Our health, well-being and future depend on the preservation of the delicate balance of ecosystems that make up the planet, therefore is vital to stop the mass extinction of species and protect biodiversity. In this regard gives us Wikipedia, which you could say that the world environment day is a vehicle through which the United Nations raises awareness to world opinion in relation to environmental issues, intensifying attention and political action and whose main objectives are to give a human context, encouraging people to become active agents of sustainable and equitable development; promote the fundamental role of communities in the change in attitude towards environmental issues, and promote cooperation, because this will ensure that all Nations and people to enjoy a more prosperous and secure future. The world environment day is an event in which multiple activities: concentrations in streets, green concerts, essays and competitions of posters in schools and colleges, plantations of trees, recycling and cleaning, among other campaigns. In addition, is a multimedia event that leads journalists to write and do critical stories about the environment.
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May 15, 2019
Then manage and lead are elements that must be combined to the achievement of their common purpose, allowing learning different techniques that allow the person to have your essential personal development so that everyone understands forms of cooperation effectively and efficiently for the common lexicon. Jeff Sessions brings even more insight to the discussion. Considered the founder of the leadership Institute of the University of Southern California, and a recognized authority on the topic, Warren Bennis ensures that great leaders are characterized by attracting, rather than by pushing people toward a goal. And it adds that, like good parents, teachers, and lovers have the virtue of raise hopes in those around them. It is clear that a leader must have vision and energy. But other qualities, not so obvious, are indispensable for awakening confidence, commitment and loyalty of those who accompany it in its work.
And anyone willing to dive in its interior can develop them..(By Robert Goffee and Gareth Jones. Magazine management 1. Volume No.3, April-May 2001). Today strategists, proactive is required of management leaders to others who are thinkers with long term vision that looming beyond the problems of the day and the quarterly reports. Interested in their companies not limited to units that direct. They want to know how all departments of the company will affect each other, and constantly transcend their specific areas of influences. Managerial leaders emphasize the vision, values and motivation.
They have strong political capacity to deal with conflicts inherent in the multiple constituents. Business leaders do not accept the Status Quo. Managerial leader must avoid making mistakes as: not be trained according to the new modern managerial topics do not know integrate work teams do not know motivate, be participatory not knowing the challenges do not know generate changes do not know the opportunities do not know how to properly handle human resources, financial, technological abuse excessive improvisation not having well defined administrative systems delaying decisions until the last minute, on all the complex, difficult or unpopular; He then demonstrates very impatient.
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February 21, 2018
The current price of manufacturing the medication is a small fraction of R & D costs, so once the medication is obtainable in a normal formula, the cost drops substantially. Consider that next time you watch an industry for the bloodstream pressure drug or a golf club iron. Peter Asaro has similar goals. However, with no research and development through the drug and brand club producers, we wouldn’t have our existence saving drugs and individuals t hi-tech golf equipment. The issue of who to aid can be the person golfer. The choice to use clone golf equipment is just as much as each golfer.
We re here to supply information to help you decide upon yourself. Like the majority of producers, the large golf clubs companies buy materials from Nike Air Max providers. Fundamental essentials providers that target the same clone club producers. The clone club engineers evaluate top quality clubs to find out the way they are created after which design to clone club that carefully individuals fits specifications, without breaking existing patents.!! Don t Au clone golf equipment with illegal imitations. These clubs deliberately attempt to fool the customer by declaring to really function as the title brand, frequently lower towards the right logo design. These aren t cloned golf equipment and those that purchase for them are really breaking what the law states.
Being that they are not the things they claim, these illegal clubs can negatively affect your game. Many clubs like Callaway s Large Bertha, the King Cobra, and also the Tommy Mann Bummer were pushed off by these scam companies. The golfers that bought these inferior imitations compensated to stiff cost in performance and sturdiness club. Should you loved this short article, discover more about clone golf equipment and obtain reduced prices on clone golf equipment by going to Club Clones Obten mas Informacion en Reduced Golf Clubs and Free Golf Tips
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May 11, 2015
The company Kriport International Trading LTd, is responsible from more than eleven years ago, in a range of wet wipes production companies exporting and in recent months, it has increased the development in various automotive cleaning products. Credit: author-2011. Between the traditional and sophisticated products that develops for automotive care, we can find: wet wipes for cleaning of dashboard wet wipes for cleaning Windows, glass cleaning wipes for cleaning your hands with grease wipes for cleaning the seats (leather, fabric, upholstery, etc.) Wet wipes to combat the apanamiento winter parts of nikel wipes cleaning wipes for cleaning general automobile Interior diversification is very wide and the Department of development, can achieve to introduce products that are interesting and program them with your essences or with the formulation you wish to. In the cosmetic segment we have wet wipes for the following applications: facial cleansing Remover mask (eyes) Scrubs Anti age cleaners facial journals Anti Acne Bronzers (Self Tan) removers of nail polish removers of traces of tincture of hair over the forehead Pre and Post hair removal clients of Kriport are located in 26 countries in the world, it is also family productsproduce who wipes cleansing family since already more than 8 years.
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March 20, 2014
Economic growth is in jeopardy in Mexico 5 November 2009 for those who thought that the main problems for the Mexican economy were reduced to the fall in exports towards the United States, I think that they have been short. The fiscal problems that were aggravated by the crisis threaten the credit rating of the country, a risk that may bring several negative consequences. A few days ago, Mexico approved the tax reform which seeks to recompose the fiscal situation. After arduous discussions, was passed the revenue Act 2010 it includes tax hikes, but that he left dissatisfied all actors in political, by what has been left open the possibility of advancing in a fiscal reform deep. The main tax changes introduced with the revenue Act include increases in the tax rates on income (ISR) which went from 28% to 30% and the increase in the the value added tax (VAT) which went from 15% to 16%.
These two modifications in taxes are that will have greatest impact on the population. The tax reform does not solve fiscal problems of Fund, but the opposite threat with aggravate them. The leader of the PRI, Beatriz Paredes said in this regard: there is a level of very big evasion, and the insert in the dynamic tax number of people is very small, with large segments in the informal economy. To make matters worse, the reform has failed to reduce dependence on the Treasury from oil revenues, which are estimated, will represent 34.5% of total public revenues for 2010. What can happen if the price of the barrel of oil again having a relapse or Pemex acknowledges problems in your production? Given the weakness of the Government in terms of tax control, it is likely that reform finished generating an increase in the informal economy in Mexico and thus, exacerbating the problem of the degressivity in the tax structure.
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June 27, 2013
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June 14, 2013
Night off! Morgen everyone.Had in friaften tr? ning i aftes, men Nike Free Run har spillet at times tennis i stedet. Do Virkelig n? d det meget sjovere derefter en kede sig p? do do l? beb? applied. Do do do Jeg spillede med mine fruen et par venner og i g? r aftes, jeg? nskede at spille p? do efter in time, men jeg var under strenge instrukser, at vi skulle komme tilbage til l? rlingen! Efter Apprentice Jeg iagttog Blade Trinity. Nu ved jeg ikke vide, hvis nogen af?? er har set denne film, men det har en fyr i hedder Ryan Reynolds. Do do nu, hvis der er? n, jeg kunne gerne ud, n? r jeg tr? dte ind p? stranden p? ferie, s? Nike Free 3.0 denne er ham persona! Revet! Do Jeg nike lunar l? ste et sted en havde have sat 2 p? do som n? sten 2 sten af?? uskel for denne role.Do i troede jeg ville et billede af ham fra inkludere filming for jer der ikke ved, hvem jeg mener Hvem gav ham alle gode nike air presto gener? rejsende! James.
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June 13, 2013
Young people who have just this year and those who completed your secondary have a momentous decision in your life. Do follow or no higher education? For that must overcome three hurdles: 1.-fence: family economic status can be the family budget sustained its higher education? This response, if it is already Yes we have the first hurdle overcome.Higher education is a powerful instrument for overcoming poverty. For more details, remember that: A research (University of the Pacific) determines that 34,000 new soles is the least to invest. (In addition, can be need 70,000 nuevos soles to be chef.) 2 fence: to study? At this point, the vocation and skills of the young are the basis of the decision. As influences the demand for the labour market. Remember that studying 03 or 07 years on average, and that determines the daily work by about 05 decades. To help, the Ministry of labour offers for free, after registration, a vocational evaluation to those who require it. 3 fence: where to make it? Institutions offering is varied and there are affordable.But should be considered that the institution you information: – percentage of graduates with jobs related to you think study – percentage of remuneration of such graduates – the percentage of those who are doing jobs paid in the last years of the race – converse with graduates to validate this information – inquire if you have an Advisory Committee with business leaders in professional bodies of the chosen branch – find out if the institution and the race have gained accreditations that certify their quality – see the infrastructure and find out if teachers are up-to-date – ask if they have job. As you know, such an important decision the information obtained is always welcome original author and source of the article.
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May 10, 2013
The bathroom is the most small and humid spaces in our homes. With a busy daily life, well-designed bathroom will not only make our morning rush hours less stressful, but it will also provide us a peaceful haven after a hard day of work. That you can make changes in the design of the bathroom? Designing breaking the typical lines of baths standards, designed in an efficient manner with a bathtub, a double sink, or a sink lined up against a wall, also called wet wall pedestal and a toilet. Consider removing the tub and installing a shower cabin with a frameless glass box. Include accessories in niche and remove all external storage attachments that cause disorder and visual chaos. Additional storage can be installed at a certain height on the wall leaving a space for circulation. This creates a sense of space and makes the flow of the vision extends beyond the bath and the shower curtains that were initially causing a blockage in the line.
Vanity double or single to designing the bathroom. A double washbasin with a mirror that runs the length of your bathroom serves its purpose, but can be boring after a while. Covet, rather two vanities independently separately with framed mirrors, spots of wall for lighting and storage in each unit or Kit. This creates more interest and visual appeal, creating a rhythmic contrast between the color of the wall and architecture. That happens with tiles and tiling of the bathroom the most important challenge that we all face when designing the bathroom is the selection of coatings to achieve a visual appeal, durability and maintenance of pavement and the tiling of walls. The important factor is selecting a material is that not out of our pocket.
The tip of a design to take into account when selecting tiles or ceramic is the tendency to classic. Do not be lulled into a product that is fashionable. Care with the friend who has a friend architect that says that what is used is such or which coating. It has to be practical and liking to ud, you can innovate but with good taste. Explore the shops specializing in bathroom and kitchen and ask, and ask. Designing the lighting of the bathroom try something new if its lighting do not create a pleasant environment for the bathroom. Lighting should serve the functional purpose, as well as create a relaxing atmosphere and helps to calm and relax during a shower. To achieve this effect and style, install a midsize lamp in the center of the bathroom or above the jacuzzi and vinculelo with a row of color blown glass lamps, lamps that accentuate a wall. The wall is where the toilet is appropriate will appear with effect lighting fixtures. We are here to break the norm and customize your bathroom, always concealed lighting is possible, especially if you have a phased decorative ceiling. Designing accessories for the bathroom around the world loves accessories as towel bars, carpets, paintings and vases, but choosing the proper amount and the best is difficult. Don’t be a victim of the monotonous monarchy, contrast, accentuates, commit to color and fill patterns. For a completely white bathroom, wasted in colors and patterns, to keep in balance the mind and harmony.
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April 25, 2013
Intervention in the first Ibero-American and Caribbean road safety February 23, 2009. Madrid. Spain. We have to recognize that historically the Brasilia Congress in 1998, has been the starting point in the fight for the preservation of life on public roads in low- and middle-income countries of the new world, with the implementation of the peace campaign in the traffic. The magic of the success of this initiative was without doubt, strong political will and the participation of society committed to measures implemented by the Government.Since then, these two conditions are the common denominator in all the conclusions of successive congresses in the world.In 2004 he puts in circulation, a document with the name of global report on the prevention of the trauma caused by transit, in which patterns are drawn to mitigate the calamities caused by road violence, its causes and effects.This report by the Pan American Organization of the Health, the World Health Organization, the World Bank and other non-governmental organizations represents the desired model in the elaboration and implementation of public policies in the region to achieve the goals within a prudent time as a new challenge, on the basis of statistical data and identification of the risk factors of the insured in transit, reaching the conclusion that is a fact avoidable.Years later, Costa Rica was a scene created (in 2006) with the call to the first Forum of actors in road safety in Latin America and the Caribbean, where personalities like the President’s host Dr. Oscar Arias Sanchez, Nobel Peace Prize and his Majesty Prince Michael de Kent are calling on Governments to build safe roads for the respect for lifethrough the Declaration of San Jose and the creation of the transitional Commission for road safety, the latter to give continuity to this initiative.On the other hand, the MERCOSUR has written two well-known, very important reports on security Vial, the first in 2005 and the second in 2007.
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February 11, 2013
Alicante, February 2009,-Directive Soft in its eagerness to offer solutions for innovation and cutting-edge, invites the most outstanding companies and innovative of the province and the Valencian Community institutions, to participate in a space where innovative solutions for Spanish SMEs will be showcased. This event counts on the collaboration of important business public sector institutions, which presented various proposals for investment in organisational innovation and organised management. Likewise, it will be announced important initiatives training and quality focused to the development of the Spanish enterprise computing industry and free Software, and will count with the presence of Kyle Rosier, Director of sales for America and Europe of Compiere San Francisco, who visits us from United States. It will also highlight, as rapporteur presence of D Isidro Fernandez, as representative of Directive Soft, in the same way, with the presentations made by Felipe Sanchez, Chief of the unit of Computing the tax agency; Enrique Selma, Director of Marketing of the technological Institute of Informatics of the Polytechnic University of Valencia; and Laura Sanchez, Director of the Digital workshop of the Alicante University; among other personalities. Thus, Directive Soft, in collaboration with important companies and institutions in the sector, seeks to provide effective solutions to optimize the productivity of local enterprises and thus strengthen their performance in situations of crisis.
The event will be held at 5 p.m. on Monday, February 9 at Hesperia Alicante Golf & Hotel (Hansa) in Alicante. For information and sign up, contact us by e-mail to, confirming their attendance.
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