Magis Global –

September 29, 2019

The Knowledge Of Itself

Category: General – Tags: , , , , – Joan – 11:56 am

Is not easy the exercise to know itself itself, this even takes to us beyond our own memory, whoever to know itself it has of to investigate in deepest of our own one being, not only in the familiar and social aspect, is wide-awake to be of brings back to consciousness the knowledge the reason fundamental to know is in this time and place, the own reason of its existence. Nicholas Carr understood the implications. Thus the exercise initiates when a stop in our dynamics becomes of thought, in which it appears a photography of our life, at a moment of reflection without mattering that age we have and that activity we are realising the image appears, bringing about an introspection a return to the origin of our memory, to the crossed way moment in which it arises the necessity and the opportunity to retake step by step day to day to visualize and to analyze that life lived summarized at happy and painful moments, moments that take to us not of edge but like in a tape that happens in slow motion from the present and returns giving the opportunity of being the spectator of ours own life..

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