More the Industrial Revolution affected not only the value of the work, more the forms of work, methods, organization and the politics partners, to break since principle the society it felt the necessity to organize the work instruments and processes being placed a new word in the market of work with the idea of the job trying to sophisticate the word work that brought a concept of slavery, therefore had the enslaved work and the free work, more nape of the neck existed job, therefore the greaters parts of the population do not possuam tools for working the craftsmen already worked on account proper more did not have its instruments of work, with are new wave the job appeared with only option to the people the job concept to venderem its force of work having as the currency in exchange becoming a fine characteristic in the Age Contemporary. The Revolution became the more efficient means of production in the execution it work and on the other hand it had an increase in number of unemployeds the lack of qualification with the substitution of the workmanship hand harmful and disastrous human being, and consequences in the society and the life of the worker. The man in its history has the work as one of the significant elements in the construction of the life of the human being as Marx the man comes constructing the world through its work. The work always will be influenced and will influence the society and all its process of change and while to exist society the work always goes to exist the humanity more can not be folloied all this process of change in the job, the globalization, the new technologies seemed to be a myth for the diligent ones more today started to be an allied in the construction of the work pra many became its very pleasant work, the world if it evolved on stages and our life is composed of stages more for very this does not occur or passes in the esquecimento and lives insisting on formulates old, in ours work can have some period of training while we are made use to live and to work, therefore the winners create chances and moments pra to reinventar its future make of its work the focus that is really important creates and molds constructive and favorable circumstances for its future.