Both portals are in Italian, German, French, and Einglisch. The increase compared to the previous season is noteworthy, as 100prozent the season 2008 is for the tour operator Engedras, in Sardinia through its Portal and have been active in Sicily by, positive. Both portals are in Italian, German, French, and Einglisch. The increase compared to the previous season is remarkably, approximately 100%, it is but actually quite normal for a young operator, but with some significant Charakteristiken.Eine important novelty in comparison to the last season is the Zuhname of the advance bookings (or discount) also take the ferries and ships. Due to this factor the months have become February, March and April very important for holiday bookings. The postings at full price in July and August have been less, and with the last minute bookings, there has been a recovery.Other novelty: the Italians, who last year voted for most of July and August, have this time June and Spetember preferred. In relation to the reservations from abroad, 40% of the total, the character of last season remain stable: French tourism is interesting in relation to the cost and duration of the holiday, the German tourism is massive and concentrated on cottages and B & B, Spanish tourism is dan increased the low cost flights but is full-bodied on a short and cheap kind of vacation.
The English tourism and also from the North of Europe, in relation to the cost and duration of the holiday are very interesting. Very interesting are the opinions and comments about the 750 units on the page, which the customers who come back from their holidays, have written. The quality of the services is generally estimated as well, with some positive tips (above all some structures of the Delphina group) and some negative peaks (some structures that we have by not Sardinian Reisenveranstalern).Many are the caveats about the quality/price ratio. Destinations such as Croatia, Spain and Turkey are competitive and continuously improve their services. Each year’s all eating pieces of the market SardiniensEine negative characteristics, it should be noted, is the large number of homeowners who contact the tour operator, who would like to sign but then later a regular contract.
Unfortunately, there are also other negative characteristics: the plants are not really so good for people with disabilities, as it is said. Wiele have complained. It is unfortunately dozens of structures. There are various problems in the reference to the acceptance of pets, even for the small. Many customers have complained with us, even if we are only simple intermediaries.