Magis Global –

July 31, 2019

The Work By Elvira Bach

Category: General – Tags: , – Joan – 6:18 am

May require some courage to be Limburg, the large exhibition at the municipal art collections, entirely yourself. Hear other arguments on the topic with BerlinRosen. Sophia Loren for me touching as the courage to painting in individual stringency is nothing in art. “As Elvira Bach 1978 one of her pictures I” titled, this was the birth of her own subject, whose ground floor was however far earlier. Biography and creative activity are closely linked and inextricably entwined with her. The painting of a woman with same topic, without wife painting is dogmatic in the oeuvre of the Berlin artist”to be. A carefree childhood in the Taunus and a training in the vicinity of Limburg on the State glass vocational school in Hadamar Elvira Bach goes even then boiling Centre of music, theater, art, and life at the end of the 1970s to Berlin pur.

Perhaps the Golden twenties and the time the German turn aside, these years are likely to include with the most inspiring of the capital. Just as impulsively as powerful “” this is the painting of a group, according to the as Galerie am Moritzplatz “establishes and later under the concept of new wild” is verschubladet. Quickly conquer this painter, after they in 1982 the international stage of art enter through their participation in the documenta 7, the museums around the world. A gestural objectivity offered the life of the metropolis with all its facets of everyday life as personal life statement in explosive color large formats is significant for its style. Elvira Bach dramaturgically staged their lives, their history in color-splashing pictorial narratives. Woman are still hard angular and color quellend, these come later always round and formvollendeter therefore virtuosity in painting with samigem resin, as well as in the vital reciprocally krallenden watercolor. In a highly individual language of forms, their protagonists with prominent cheek bones, dominant eyebrows, pattern woven turban, gripping hands and closed lips, which are never ready, of meet to tell itself.

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