Web is presented as a figure of more or less as a place – online malls or portals. However, with the introduction of XML technologies in the late '90s and the dawn of the new century has been a major shift by defining the Web in a new light. Using Web services and XML format had a great impact on the design element of the websites.Contents are shared and transformed between different computer system.Today, Web services are the main interface to design different content visal in the past. It should be noted that anyone can create an interface that all by him or herself in a domain to provide web site developers in particular have offered web services mentioned. Further details can be found at Attorney General, an internet resource. User Control: One of the most important Web 2.0 paradigm is that the user control which is the natural byproduct of the reorganization of the conent. During the early days of Web site design, content-based information were only but there has been a complete change today. Infact most defining characteristic of Web 2.0 design is that users contribute to their own web content through the feedback process. It is an observed phenomenon that most content available today is not really original but the Web comes to us via blog links, search engines, content aggregators and on. However, this trend is often raised as a barrier to web users seeking information are correct and are confused about the source Web site. To respond to this crisis flagrant, the content aggregators have established tool to track performance out of people.