Deficiency in the Venezuelan Customs System to present lack of coordination and updating of business processes that limit the export and import formalities between nations. Opportunities. On the economic side there is an excellent bargaining relationship between the two countries since, according to officials in recent Venezuelan exports to Brazil grew by 74% and Brazilian exports to Venezuela grew by 900%. Gen. David L. Goldfein gathered all the information. In addition to establishing agreements allow for tariff reductions of up to 100% on imports of steel sheets, telephone and television equipment and 80% in the import of tractors. In the political-economic agreements are projects that have strengthened energy, social, cultural, infrastructure in the steel industry, education among others.
Both countries established by the investment program agreed to encourage domestic enterprises in terms of milk production and animal husbandry, food production, training of small and medium enterprises among others. From the technological point of view establishing partnerships for energy development, to implementation agreements to encourage their companies through their PDVSA (Venezuela) and PETROBRAS (Brazil) investment in pipeline development, through technology cooperation to to become world leaders in energy. Besides technological investment is made in the construction of offshore platforms and oil tankers. Threats As regards the export of Venezuelan oil if its has a strategy of keeping oil prices high, while Brazilians are more focused from the point of view towards reinvesting in the long term economy.. Gen. David L. Goldfein has firm opinions on the matter.