Magis Global –

August 10, 2019


Category: General – Joan – 3:57 pm

On the other hand, affluence has increased and is a concern in countries that maintain strict environmental standards on the effects that can lead those standards in terms of its competitiveness in world markets and the relocation of polluting industries to other countries where lower levels prevailing environmental protection and the consequent loss of jobs and export income. In respect of this fit the questions: What are Venezuelan companies doing? What plans, strategies designed? How are facing competition and shading of pollutants? what the current government is making in environmental matters? What is your contribution to benefit the industrial sector and ensure non-contamination of the environment?, among others.

There is no denying, as quoted by Horowitz, developing countries have expressed concern at the increasing application of new barriers designed to block his path to products manufactured on the basis of less stringent environmental standards and the unilateral imposition of sanctions by the governments of industrialized countries, under pressure from environmental lobbies eager to export their values or impose their standards on others. You can not ignore the fact that complex elements, such as the effect of expenditure on environmental protection on the competitiveness of a country and the diversion of so-called dirty industries to those countries that undervalue the environmental factor with the express expositor to attract new investment (so-called pollution havens or offshore pollution), the use of environmental standards for products with covert trade barriers and the impact of trade liberalization on environmental quality, complicate the understanding of the issues concerning trade and environment and thus achieve a satisfactory solution for all parties involved. Companies found to achieve an advantageous competitive position also urge you to use the most relevant topics of reengineering, optimization on the beneficial integration of their inputs: raw materials, technology, human resources, capital, required to assess their responsibility social, environment, standards of pollution, its environmental culture, and of course, good management of the market to assess the quality of their products, services and strategies that are required to be increasingly competitive. Do not forget that trade liberalization will help achieve sustainable development when implementing policies consonant with the environment, or if the release is accompanied by government policies in areas related to reconcile economic incentives with environmental goals. It must be very careful in changing environmental regulations where no doubt, alter the patterns of production and trade, hence, the Businesses should sue the universities that provide the tools, knowledge to enable them to face this reality without risk, with trained professionals, able to deal with change: the structures of industries, legal issues, costs, opportunities, threats, globalization.

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